—on intimacy, writing, body
Where Were We is a grand international festival reflecting the murky world of words and visual arts, voices and voids, poetry and plastik, presence and performance, sounds and scholarly endeavours. Over five days and nights in early December, local and international audiences are invited to take part in a rich programme of readings, interpretations, concerts, conversations, interventions, crossovers, collective recitation and lectures, all on the large black box stage in the former rail freight yard Godsbanen, now a centre for cultural production.
Where Were We is an attempt to focus on a moment of confusion, a pause to ponder where the line of speech—or writing, thinking, remembering—is now heading. A saying, a phrase that spans the lost, intimate inner monologue (where was I?) and a collective context, memory or social body (where were we?). From this central theme of translation and illusory dichotomies between the inner and the outer, the festival questions the intimacy of writing versus voicing as an immediately public, collective function.
Forty-seven renowned artists, poets, performers, conductors and scholars working in what has been coined an expanded field—of words and voice, objects and space, sounds, silence and interference, commentary functioning as poetry, facts becoming cast objects or conductors tuning collective utterances—consider these issues and shape the festival programme.
The festival programme has been devised by Daniela Cascella, Rhea Dall, and Martin Glaz Serup, both in collaboration and as individual programme strands, respectively titled: ‘Inner Voices: Translation, Transmission, Interference’; ‘The Social Body Sounding’; ‘Where’s the Body’.