Lecture and Workshop: Making Social Realities with Books
Onsdag 22. januar - torsdag 23. januar 2014
8000 Aarhus C
Making Social Realities with Books is a series of lectures and workshops, that explores the idea of how books – libraies, archives, publishing, and distribution – are used to create distinct social realities, whether it is in small communities, or entire movements within art practices and related activities.
Lauren van Haaften-Schick: Critical cirkulation: Artist’s books, labor, and the law
Lecture: 22.1.14 19.00: Critical cirkulation: Artist’s books, labor, and the law
Workshop 23.1.14 10.00: Non-Participation
Lauren van Haaften-Schick is a curator, artist and writer from New York. Her current interest concern the legal and economic factors that influence the conceptual and material manifestations of art. She is currently working on ‘Non-Participation’, a publication and event series on artists’ letters of refusal, to be published with Half Letter Press in 2014.
Exhibition space rum46 / www.rum46.dk / rum46@rum46.dk
About Lauren van Haaften-Schick: http://www.laurenvhs.com/about/