Critical Written Reflection

Torsdag 19. februar 2015
Kl. 13:00
Arrangør: Arkitetskolen Aarhus
Store Auditorium, Udstillingsbygningen, Noerreport 22

Det nystartede undervisningsprogram Critical Written Reflection (CWR) er en del af kandidatuddannelsen på Arkitektskolen Aarhus, hvor underviserne Nanna Gro Henningsen og Tine Nørgaard inviterer en række udenlandske forelæsere. I løbet af foråret er der tre forelæsninger.

Alle interesserede er mere end velkomne!

19. februar kl. 13:00
Rolf Hughes, Professor of Artistic Research & Director of Research
The Stockholm University of the Arts
Store Auditorium, Udstillingsbygningen, Nørreport 22

15. april kl. 13:00
Emma Cocker, B. in Fine Art; M. in Visual Culture,
MRs Visual Cultures Dep., Nottingham-Trent University, UK
Store Auditorium, Udstillingsbygningen, Nørreport 22

13. maj kl. 13:00
Jane Rendell, Dip Arch, MSc, PhD,
Director of Architectural Research at the Bartlett, UCL
Store Auditorium, Udstillingsbygningen, Nørreport 22

Om Rolf Hughes:

Rolf Hughes is the first Professor of Artistic Research & Director of Research at the Stockholm University of the Arts (inaugurated January 2014). Before this appointment, he was (2013) Scientific Advisor/Research Officer for Artistic Research Committee at the Sweedish National Research Council; Guest Professor in Design Theory and Practice-Based Research and co-founder of the Experience Design MFA programme at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (2006-2014); Senior Professor in Research Design at Sint-Lucas School of Architecture (KU-Leuven, Belgium), where he helped create an international, practice-led artistic Ph.D programme on which he has taught and supervised since 2006.

Hughes is a published prose poet, whose short stories have been broadcast on BBC Radio and Swedish Radio, a dramaturge (author of This is Not a Story, a published play on Diderot’s contribution to practical knowledge), and co-editor of four volumes of interdisciplinary essays: The Book of Models, Hybrid Thought, Architecture and Authorship, and Second Nature: Origins and Originality in Art, Science and New Media. He has given readings and lectures across Europe and the USA.