Det nystartede undervisningsprogram Critical Written Reflection (CWR) er en del af kandidatuddannelsen på Arkitektskolen Aarhus, hvor underviserne Nanna Gro Henningsen og Tine Nørgaard inviterer en række udenlandske forelæsere. I løbet af foråret er der tre forelæsninger.
Alle interesserede er mere end velkomne!
19. februar kl. 13:00
Rolf Hughes, Professor of Artistic Research & Director of Research
The Stockholm University of the Arts
Store Auditorium, Udstillingsbygningen, Nørreport 22
15. april kl. 13:00
Emma Cocker, B. in Fine Art; M. in Visual Culture,
MRs Visual Cultures Dep., Nottingham-Trent University, UK
Store Auditorium, Udstillingsbygningen, Nørreport 22
13. maj kl. 13:00
Jane Rendell, Dip Arch, MSc, PhD,
Director of Architectural Research at the Bartlett, UCL
Store Auditorium, Udstillingsbygningen, Nørreport 22
Om Rolf Hughes:
Rolf Hughes is the first Professor of Artistic Research & Director of Research at the Stockholm University of the Arts (inaugurated January 2014). Before this appointment, he was (2013) Scientific Advisor/Research Officer for Artistic Research Committee at the Sweedish National Research Council; Guest Professor in Design Theory and Practice-Based Research and co-founder of the Experience Design MFA programme at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (2006-2014); Senior Professor in Research Design at Sint-Lucas School of Architecture (KU-Leuven, Belgium), where he helped create an international, practice-led artistic Ph.D programme on which he has taught and supervised since 2006.
Hughes is a published prose poet, whose short stories have been broadcast on BBC Radio and Swedish Radio, a dramaturge (author of This is Not a Story, a published play on Diderot’s contribution to practical knowledge), and co-editor of four volumes of interdisciplinary essays: The Book of Models, Hybrid Thought, Architecture and Authorship, and Second Nature: Origins and Originality in Art, Science and New Media. He has given readings and lectures across Europe and the USA.