Artist talk: Climate change seen with Icelandic eyes
Onsdag 11. oktober 2017
8000 Aarhus C
Klimaet er under voldsom forandring, og som vi alle ved, har det enorme konsekvenser for vores planet. Over hele verden diskuterer politikere og miljøaktivister for at finde en måde at løse problemerne på – eller rettere sagt, finde en måde at sænke hastigheden for forandringerne på – men før det kan ske, er man nødt til at forstå, hvad der egentlig foregår, og hvorfor der er et problem.
Med sin kunsteriske tilgang vil den islandske digter, forfatter og debattør; Andri Snær Magnason, tale om sin egen undersøgelse af klimaforandringerne, der som et tilbagevendende emne i sit forfatterskab, inkluderer fiktion såvel som non-fiktion. Magnasons børnebog; TIDSKISTEN fortæller om en tid, hvor verden ligger i ruiner, og børnene er de eneste, der er tilbage til at undre sig over, hvad der mon gik galt. Det skabte røre på island da den essayistiske bog DRØMMELAND blev udgivet, og der startede en større debat om landets håndtering af naturens ressourcer. Magnason vil give et indblik i klimaforandringernes tilstand og tale om, hvordan vi skal forstå problemet, så det kan blive løst. Derudover vil han fortælle om, hvordan litteraturen kan bidrage til diskussionen om klimaforandringerne, om der så er tale om børnelitteratur, sci-fi eller non-fiktion.
Aarhus Litteraturcenter og Galleri Image står bag arrangementet, der er en del af Kulturhovedstadsprojektet FRESH EYES – International Artists Rethink Aarhus. Magnason deltog i dette kunstprojekt, da han i 2015 opholdt sig i Aarhus og skrev en serie af ét minut-digte, hvori han fortolkede byen fra et helt nyt perspektiv. Samlingen af disse digte udgives under den samlede titel DE UNDERJORDISKE KROKODILLER I AARHUS, som kan købes til dette arrangement som en slags pre-release før selve udgivelsesdagen den 12. oktober. Arrangementet modereres af den danske oversætter af Magnasons FRESH EYES-digte, Nanna Kalkar.
Andri Snær Magnason vil også deltage i åbningen af den store fernisering og bogudgivelsen d. 12. oktober, hvor han vil læse op fra DE UNDERJORDISKE KROKODILLER I AARHUS. Læs mere her.
The climate is changing rapidly and, as we all know, that has huge consequences for the planet. Politicians and activists all over the world are discussing how to solve the problem – or at least how to slow down the process – but before you can do that you need to understand what is going on, and why it is a problem.
During this artist talk, the Icelandic poet, writer and debater Andri Snær Magnason will talk about his research on climate change; a returning topic in his writing that includes fiction as well as non-fiction. His children’s book THE TIME CASKET describes a time when the world has come to an end and the children are the only ones left to wonder, what went wrong. The essayistic book DREAMLAND made a great stir when it was released in Iceland and started a debate regarding the country’s administration and use of their natural resources. Magnason will give an insight to the status of climate change and how we need to understand the problem to solve it, but he will also talk about how to discuss this problem via literature, be it children’s literature, sci-fi, or non-fiction.
This event is hosted by Aarhus Centre for Literature and Galleri Image in connection to the art project FRESH EYES – International Artists Rethink Aarhus. Magnason participated in this project as an artist in residence in 2015 where he wrote a series of one minute poems in which he interpret Aarhus from a whole new perspective. These poems are released as a whole on October 12th with the title THE UNDERGROUND CROCODILES OF AARHUS. This book will be for sale during this event as a pre-release and the talk will be moderated by his Danish FRESH EYES translator Nanna Kalkar.
Andri Snær Magnason will also be participating in the great exhibition opening and book release on October 12th where he will read from THE UNDERGROUND CROCODILES OF AARHUS. Please follow this link for more information.