FRESH EYES – byrumsudstilling og bogudgivelser
Torsdag 12. oktober - søndag 29. oktober 2017
8000 Aarhus C
FRESH EYES – International Artists Rethink Aarhus er et kunstprojekt med fokus på fotografi, litteratur og det offentlige rum. Siden 2013 har internationalt anerkendte kunstnere fra Europa, Asien og Afrika besøgt Aarhus for at blive inspireret af byen, hvilket er blevet til en bred pallette af fotografiske og litterære fortolkninger af Aarhus.
Fra den 12.-29. oktober 2017 vil alle disse kunstneres bidrag til projektet blive udstillet i en kunstudstilling placeret i det offentlige rum i hjertet af Aarhus. Udstillingen er en del af Kulturhovedstadsprogrammet og en fejring af galleriets 40 års jubilæum.
Der vil være blive afholdt forskellige særarrangementer i løbet af udstillingsperioden – fx oplæsninger, guidede tours og artists talks – som du kan læse mere om i vores kalender her på www. eller følge med i på projektets Facebookside.
I forbindelse med udstillingen udgiver Galleri Image og Aarhus Litteraturcenter en lækker kunstbog, der ligeledes udkommer den 12. oktober 2017. I denne bog præsenteres de mange fotografiske og litterære værker side om side, hvor de komplimenterer hinanden i en frisk og kunstnerisk fremstilling af Aarhus. FRESH EYES-kunstbogen er layoutet af kunstneren Lasse Krog Møller.
I udstillingsperioden fungerer Galleri Image også som informationsbase for projektet og byrumsudstillingen samt som startsted for de guidede tourer.
Udover udstillingen og kunstbogen udgiver Aarhus Litteraturcenter også en mindre FRESH EYES-serie bestående af bidragene fra projektets tre digtere: franske Jacques Jouet, islandske Andri Snær Magnason og færøske Carl Jóhan Jensen. Bøgerne er udgivet i samarbejde med forlagene Jorinde & Joringel og Torgard og udkommer ligeledes den 12. oktober.
De deltagende fotografer:
Tom Lovelace (UK)
Inês d’Orey (PT)
Miriam O’Connor (IRL)
Thomas Kellner (DE)
Maja Ingerslev (DK)
Markus Henttonen (FIN)
Hyun-jin Kwak (KOR/SWE)
LiuJin (CHN)
Rana ElNemr (EGY)
Anushree Fadnavis (IND)
Teresa Meka (GHA)
De deltagende forfattere:
Jacques Jouet (FR)
Niviaq Korneliussen (GRL)
Andri Snær Magnason (ISL)
Carl Jóhan Jensen (FRO)
Tsitsi Dangarembga (ZWE)
Abdellah Taïa (MAR)
FRESH EYES er støttet af Aarhus 2017, Aarhus Kommune, Nordisk Kulturfond, Bikuben Fonden, Dansk Center for Kultur og Udvikling, Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond, Institute Français du Danemark, Camões Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua Portugal, Færøernes Kulturfond, Icelandic Literature Center, Nordisk Ministerråd, Stibo Fonden og Statens Kunstfond.
Foto: Teresa Menka.
FRESH EYES – International Artists Rethink Aarhus is an art project focused on photography, literature, and urban space. Since 2013, internationally renowned artists from Europe, Asia, and Africa have visited Aarhus to draw inspiration from the city, which has led to a wide range of photographic and literary interpretations of life in Aarhus.
From October 12th – October 29th 2017 contributions from all these artists will be on display in an art exhibition in the urban spaces in the heart of Aarhus. The exhibition is part of the official Aarhus 2017 – European Capital of Culture programme as well as an occasion to celebrate Galleri Image’s 40th anniversary. .
During the exhibition period there will be organised several special events such as readings, guided tours and artist talks. Stay tuned on the Facebook page for event updates!
In connection with the exhibition, Galleri Image and Aarhus Centre for Literature will publish a spectacular art book to be launched on October 12th, 2017. In this book the many photographic works and pieces of literature will be presented side by side in order to complement each other in a fresh, artistic representation of Aarhus. The FRESH EYES art book is designed by the artist Lasse Krog Møller.
During the exhibition period, Galleri Image will also function as an information hub for the project and urban installation as well as the starting point for guided walks.
Additionally, we will release a series of FRESH EYES books in which the contributions by the poets Jacques Jouet, Andri Snær Magnason, and Carl Jóhan Jensen will be published in full lenght. The collection of Jacques Jouet’s 101 poems was released in November 2016, and the last two books of the series will be released with the FRESH EYES art book on October 12th 2017.
FRESH EYES is a collaboration between Galleri Image and the Aarhus Centre for Literature. The project is an art book, a FRESH EYES book series, an exhibition at Galleri Image, and photo art based works and text installations in the urban spaces of Aarhus (on the fascades of buildings in Vestegade and the courtyard of Aarhus Academy of Fine Arts near Galleri Image) as well as readings, guided tours and artist talks. The FRESH EYES exhibition will take place from October 12th to 29th and is curated by Gitte Broeng, author, artist and curator.
Participating artists:
Tom Lovelace (UK)
Inês d’Orey (PT)
Miriam O’Connor (IRL)
Thomas Kellner (DE)
Maja Ingerslev (DK)
Markus Henttonen (FIN)
Hyun-jin Kwak (KOR/SWE)
LiuJin (CHN)
Rana ElNemr (EGY)
Anushree Fadnavis (IND)
Teresa Meka (GHA)
Participating writers:
Jacques Jouet (FR)
Niviaq Korneliussen (GRL)
Andri Snær Magnason (ISL)
Carl Jóhan Jensen (FRO)
Tsitsi Dangarembga (ZWE)
Abdellah Taïa (MAR)
Amitabha Bagchi (IND)
FRESH EYES is supported by:
Aarhus 2017, City of Aarhus, the Nordic Culture Fund, Bikuben Foundation, The Danish Centre for Culture and Development, Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond, Institute Français du Danemark, Camões Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua Portugal, Færøernes Kulturfond, Icelandic Literature Centre, FarLit, the Stibo Foundation, and the Danish Arts Foundation.
Foto: Teresa Menka.