Authors in Aarhus: A. S. Byatt
Fredag 13. november 2015
8000 Aarhus C
Authors in Aarhus har inviteret den internationalt anerkendte britiske forfatter A. S. Byatt, der blandt andet er kendt for Børnenes bog. Til arrangementet vil hun samtale med professor Morten L. Kringelbach, der er tilknyttet Oxford University og Aarhus Universitet.
Arrangementet foregår på engelsk.
The international author scene will be presenting the celebrated and internationally renowned British author, A. S Byatt, who for the occasion will be in discussion with the notorious Professor Morten L. Kringelbach, Senior Research Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science at Queen’s College, Oxford University, and professor at Aarhus University. Kringelbach is interested in the brain mechanisms of pleasure, and his research explores fields such as emotional development, affective disorders, and empathy.