Artist Talk: Amitabha Bagchi & Tabish Khair
Torsdag 26. maj 2016
8000 Aarhus C
Den indiske forfatter AMITABHA BAGCHI gæster Århus Kunstakademi for at tale om sit forfatterskab, om livet som immigrantforfatter, der skriver på et andet sprog end sit modersmål og meget mere.
Amitabha Bagchi underviser til daglig ved instituttet for Computer Science and Engineering ved University of Delhi i Indien, men han debuterede som forfatter tilbage i 2007 med romanen Above Average; en fortælling om en ung indisk dreng, der kæmper for at skabe en balance mellem hans matematikstudier og hans passion for rockmusikken – to størrelser, der måske ikke er helt nemme at forene. Siden debuten har han også udgivet romanerne The Householder og This Place.
Bagchi er i Aarhus i forbindelse med residence-programmet FRESH EYES – International Artists Rethink Aarhus; et 2017-projekt lavet i samarbejde mellem Galleri Image og Aarhus Litteraturcenter, hvor fotokunstnere og forfattere fra Europa, Asien og Afrika inviteres til Aarhus for at ’rethinke’ og ’recreate’ byen i deres kunst. Tidligere har forfattere som Jacques Jouet (F), Andri Snær Magnason (IS), Carl Jóhan Jensen (FO), Abdellah Taïa (MA) samt fotokunstnerne Tom Lovelace (UK), Miriam O’Connor (IRL) og Thomas Kellner (DE) m.fl. besøgt Aarhus i forbindelse med FRESH EYES.
Til aftenens arrangement vil Amitabha Bagchi samtale med forfatter TABISH KHAIR, der bl.a. er forfatteren bag The Bus Stopped (2004) og The Thing About Thugs (2010). Khair er desuden lektor i Engelsk ved Aarhus Universitet.
Arrangementet foregår på engelsk, og der er som altid fri entré.
Læs mere om FRESH EYES her.
The Indian author AMITABHA BAGCHI visits Aarhus Kunstakademi to talk about his works, and life as an immigrant writer, and much more.
Amitabha Bagchi teaches at the Department for Computer Science and Engineering at University of Delhi, but he published his first novel, Above Average, in 2007; it is a story about a young Indian boy who struggles to balance his math studies and his passion for playing in a rock band – two things that may not be so easy to balance. Since the début, he has also published the novels The Householder and This Place.
Bagchi comes to Aarhus in connection to the residence-program FRESH EYES – International Artists Rethink Aarhus; a project made in collaboration between Galleri Image and Aarhus Center for Literature as part of Aarhus being the European Capital of Culture of 2017. The gallery and the center for literature invite photo artists and authors from Europe, Asia, and Africa to Aarhus to recreate and rethink the city in their art. Previously authors like Jacques Jouet (F), Andri Snær Magnason (IS), Carl Jóhan Jensen (FO), Abdellah Taïa (MA), and the photographers Tom Lovelace (UK), Miriam O’Connor (IRL), Thomas Kellner (DE), and others have visited Aarhus in connection to the FRESH EYES-project.
For this event Amitabha Bagchi will meet up with the author TABISH KHAIR who has published several books including The Bus Stopped (2004) and The Thing About Thugs (2010). In addition, Khair is an associate professor at the Department for English Studies at Aarhus University.
This event is conducted in English and, as always, there is no entrance fee.
Read more about FRESH EYES here.